Friday, January 28, 2011

Adorables Niños en Guatemala

I am a face person. I love faces. If I could take pictures of one thing, it would be faces. I think that this stems from me being a people person. If I could do one thing, it would be to spend time with people. Interesting, eh? Any faces are beautiful to me, but it was lovely to have time to appreciate Guatemalan faces.
Aren't they all just beautiful?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rebar: A Way of Life

My hands are soft. After working at a desk for about seven months, I know this. This fact was made all too evident to me while twisting wire around rebar in Guatemala. Sadly my hands did not respond and "man up" as they say. Instead they blistered and scraped and were made largely unhelpful. But do you know what the beautiful thing is about your hands and palms? Although they can take quite the beating and look disgusting, they heal incredibly fast. I'm talking Wolverine healing fast. I'm talking Michael Phelps recovering from a workout fast. Try that on for size!

This is V. She is fantastically wonderful in all ways. I worked with her last year when I traveled with my school to Guatemala, and guess what? She can't get enough of us apparently! She showed up again this year with her amazing trilingual skills and kick butt cement hauling skills. Believe me, you want to be friends with her. Just take it from me this time.

Token adorable small child picture? Yes please.

And, to finish it off, a little futbol after almuerzo never hurt anyone. Okay, that's a lie. H., a girl on my team, took an elbow to the nose during one bueno scrimmage. Let's just say that red isn't her best color. And let's just say that E. probably shouldn't play futbol with girls. He's not very gentle.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bienvenido a Guatemala

I don't know about you, but I kind of want to be in the location of this picture right now. As winter settles in for at least another month, I can't help but sniffle at night because the sun is no where to be found [i'm also sniffling because it is freaking cold in my house! my dad turns the heat off at night. if that isn't a good reason to move out, i don't know what is]. Yet, I had my chance in the sun this winter. For two weeks in the beginning of January I was given the opportunity to travel to Guatemala City with my college for a service trip. The photo above? I was there about a week and a half ago. Now I'm here. Where it is sleeting with snow forecasted for this afternoon.

Luis and his sweet little friend. She was attached to him. I wonder if his fiance knows?

The older boy was so adorable. He was one of favorites of all the kids [i know i'm not supposed to have favorites, but who ever actually listens to that "rule"?].

The picture below is the family that had me over for lunch one Sunday. Victor, Margarita, and David. Notice the clothing that I donned. Our luggage got lost, so my entire outfit is borrowd aside from the shoes. Pretty spiffy.

This is a typical Guatemalan breakfast. It is also one of my favorite meals ever. Huevos fritos, frijoles negros con queso, platanos con crema, pan y cafe. Muy delicioso.

One last Christmasy picture. I promise. Until next year. Well... this year technically. Here we have the Gallo Cerveza Christmas tree in the center of Guatemala City. Isn't it a beauty?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Joyeux Noel: Part III

This is part three in which my family members make funny faces while playing a game. They thought that these photographs would never see the light of day. Boy were they wrong.
Seeestor, can I have my sweatshirt back now? k thanks. [i know she isn't going to be happy, because I definitely have pajama pants of hers still]

And what is a post without Christmas cookies. While your answer may be, "a pretty regular post," I still think that this should be included. Where is your Christmas spirit?
Please don't remind me that Christmas is over for another 344 days. I can't handle that kind of information right now. I'm to fragile.

I think people wonder why we are freakishly obsessed with our dog. My answer to you is: How could you not be? Even R. got into a deep discussion with her. I think it is Peanut's deep, soul-searching eyes that do it. What a queen among animals. Also, if you laid her down on the floor you could roll her around like a baking pin. She is so round and fat. No joke.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Joyeux Noel: Part II

Glimpses at the opening of Christmas presents is always fun. Remember when you were a kid? Try and think back long, long, long ago. Christmas took forever to make its glorious entrance upon your life. I would wait months and months for it to reappear, and then it would be gone in the blink of an eye. What a dissapointment. Honestly, I built up the holiday too much in my brain. It didn't hold up to what I had imagined. It was sad.
Now that I am older [and oh so much wiser... no comments please] Christmas has regained its glory. I no longer build up ridiculous expectations like getting a pony, or having the perfect white Christmas, or finally having Paul McCartney serenade me for an entire day. Nope, I've wiped my mind clean of those things [i do daydream about Paul still. i can't help it]. And surprise of surprises, it makes Christmas SO much more pleasant.

Fun fact: When I was a kid our tree topper was a clown. How's that for creepy?
That present on top? Yeah, I wrapped that.

And one final picture, because these entries are not complete without food.
Above is the best thing you will ever eat in your life, and I am being completely serious. Tomato Pie baabaaaay!

Joyeux Noel: Part I

Let me start off with a woeful apology. I have had the wording of this post ready for days. Unfortunately I had reached my limit on pictures for a blog [whaaaat?], so I had to purchase more room. Which I think it slightly ridiculous. Honestly.
But, because I value what I do on here [mainly posting some of my pictures so that people don't hate me because they never see them], I decided to suck it up, pay the $5 and move on with life. So, without further adieu [which, if I'm being honest, I just tried to spell adieu as ado, hmmmm]:
For the sake of keeping my fan base [yeah right], I thought I would move backward in time for the next few posts. Also, I have tons of pictures from Christmas. Thus I want to share them, nay force them, upon the world wide internet. Sounds fair, no? Fair or not, here they are in all their unedited glory.

Our frosting soaked king cake. The point of the cake is to gorge yourself as much as possible with the sweet bread in order to find the baby. I've never ever found the baby. I simply cannot keep up with my siblings as they consume copious amounts of king cake. I'm not bitter though. Oh wait, yes I am!
Surprised about who found it? I'm not. Although, it was her very last piece [and the last piece of the cake I might add] when she found it this year. I have committed myself to training now for the king cake eating contest... celebration? for next year. So if you see me pounding muffins, that's why. [side note: the "baby" does not really look like a baby anymore. just a little blob thing. i credit that to years of "loving"]
Just a king cake for breakfast? Chyeah right. B. made cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting, and they were absolutely spectacular. Tasty.

Our next activity on Christmas morning was the opening of the stockings.
I'm not going to kid around with anyone. Orly is my favorite dog. Paws down [now is the time you break into guffaws because i said "paws" instead of hands because i am referring to a four legged beast... i can hear the chuckles in my minds eye]. There is no contest between her and Peanut.
M. and I with the sweet hat she put in my stocking. Now I will be a true hipster! All my greatest dreams have come true. It's a Christmas miracle!
Until next time [what? another entry with pictures like these? please no.], Feliz Navidad!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Veinte Dos

Greetings once again from the fair and chilly land of Annapolis. I just returned from being in an incredibly warm climate for two weeks. The shock of returning has not worn off yet, and my semi-tanned skin looks out of place in this cold waste land.

At the end of Diciembre the time had come again for my clock to tick forward one more year. Funny, life does not stop for anyone. Ever. But I believe birthdays are something to be celebrated. If not for the free cake, at least for the recognition that you are still living and breathing.

My lovely sister and lovely friend [who ironically have the same name] decided to throw me the most amazing party complete with a scavenger hunt.

The Abbey Road picture that I have always dreamed off finally happened.
Okay, so apparently I'm Ringo? Whattheheck? Annnnddd, we need to work on the correct positioning. I am ashamed to call myself a Beatles fan right now.

We had to crabwalk on the sidewalks of Annapolis. Pros? I think yes.

We had to acquire a napkin from Kilwins. The boy working was more than happy to oblige us. He seemed quite excited to participate. M. took the quest very seriously as shown.

Yes, we got complete strangers to do the hokey pokey with us. I think at first they thought we were going to abduct them, but it is really hard to abduct someone when your hands are in your pockets. Legit. It was too cold to do anything evil. So they joined in.

Pip's was closed. Shocker.

I had so much fun with my friends [young and old!]. I honestly couldn't believe how many people showed up to help me celebrate another year in my life. The pictures shown were just half of the people who braved a cold Tuesday night to run around Annapolis making themselves look like morons. I couldn't have better friends.

Gracias amigos! I felt very blessed to share my birthday with you all!