I don't know about you, but I kind of want to be in the location of this picture right now. As winter settles in for at least another month, I can't help but sniffle at night because the sun is no where to be found [i'm also sniffling because it is freaking cold in my house! my dad turns the heat off at night. if that isn't a good reason to move out, i don't know what is]. Yet, I had my chance in the sun this winter. For two weeks in the beginning of January I was given the opportunity to travel to Guatemala City with my college for a service trip. The photo above? I was there about a week and a half ago. Now I'm here. Where it is sleeting with snow forecasted for this afternoon.
Luis and his sweet little friend. She was attached to him. I wonder if his fiance knows?
The older boy was so adorable. He was one of favorites of all the kids [i know i'm not supposed to have favorites, but who ever actually listens to that "rule"?].
The picture below is the family that had me over for lunch one Sunday. Victor, Margarita, and David. Notice the clothing that I donned. Our luggage got lost, so my entire outfit is borrowd aside from the shoes. Pretty spiffy.

This is a typical Guatemalan breakfast. It is also one of my favorite meals ever. Huevos fritos, frijoles negros con queso, platanos con crema, pan y cafe. Muy delicioso.
One last Christmasy picture. I promise. Until next year. Well... this year technically. Here we have the Gallo Cerveza Christmas tree in the center of Guatemala City. Isn't it a beauty?
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