Let's talk about candy for a moment. What is your biggest candy dream? To have a pile of dum-dum pops bigger than your head? To be able to hug that pile while sucking on one of the aforementioned lollies? Well, dreams do come true for some people. This is not just another Disney movie ending filled with butterflies and true love's kiss and a disgruntled dragon who gets their butt kicked. Eric did get to hug a pile of dum-dum pops while sucking on at least three pops. For those who doubt that happy endings exist, here is your proof that it does!

While in Guatemala my team and I were able to help with a local VBS [did i mention this already? i tend to tell the same stories multiple times]. At the end of our week with these small ninos we put together goodie bags for each and every one of them. This meant sorting large piles of candy one night so everyone recieved equal amounts. I grew up in a large family, I know what escalates if someone just happened to be given four pieces of candy when I only got three. A pummeling is bound to occur. It's just sibling nature.

Sitting in various places around my hotel room, each member of my team was given a specific candy to dole out. I had Laffy Taffy because that's what I do. As the bag came around we had to feverishly pitch our delectable delights into the sack before it was too late. If we put to many in chaos would occur. If we put to little in chaos would occur. It was one of the more delicate operations that they trusted us with while in the Central American country.

We strove forward with our task at hand, valiantly striving to overcome odds of sweaty palms [it makes grasping the candy difficult and trying] and insurmountable pressure from our leaders. Yet candy was placed in colorful sacks appropriately. Wet eyes were not to be seen on a single child's face when we distributed them briskly the next afternoon. Instead shouts of exclamation rang throughout San Luis. Our mission was accomplished with much gusto.

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