Annapolis is near and dear to my heart. My own personal history started out in this town when I was born in the old downtown hospital. No longer in existance, it is believed here that to be a true Annapolitan you have to have been born in that specific building. Our generation is dying off needless to say. Two weeks ago it was perfect out. 70 degrees graced our fair land which meant it was the perfect evening to hustle to the docks and do some people watching while enjoying delicious hotdogs from Pips. As it was the perfect weather to be outdoors, everyone and their mother decided to also meander down to the water and take in the sights.
The sisters [almost all of them] were looking particularly beautious this fine evening. Mere wasn't wearing her awkward lacrosse gear [have you seen those "kilts" and "face masks" they wear? do parents want their children to look like mass murderers? lacrosse outfits would venture a yes to that question] and looked lovely as the sun set cast a warm glow on her face.
It would have been just perfect if this picture wasn't posed and Joanna had just happened to look off into the distance like she was pondering something deep and thoughful. My best guess is that she was thinking about monkeys.
Spring in Annapolis is really the best time to go downtown. Sweat doesn't drop down the small of your back as you try and consume melting ice cream faster than a blow torch would take to melt it. Tourists are generally not yet walking around asking silly questions like, "where are the midshipmen hiding?" I'll tell you where they are hiding? Out at sea because it's summer. 

After enjoying our people watching and corn dogs, we scooted up Main Street to The Clay Bakers to paint some pottery. I am determined to have an entire set of Teletubbies eating ware. I am especially excited to paint the main platter with all of them gracing the top. That way when I am eating my sisters delicious chocolate chip cookies, I will know that they are endorsed by playful, colorful, vague shapes with weird names. Mmmm... I am going to have the best set of dishes ever.
Needless to say, it was the perfect Friday night with the little sisters. Downtown Annapolis is truly a romance town and oh so very perfect.
Now if only the rain would let up.
i wish i were paining pottery right now. I really really do. Looks like fun.